Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Impromptu Poem

(composed at Starwood, July 2007, at a writing workshop)
(from a slip of paper drawn from a hat reading "guzzle down more emptyness")

"guzzle down more emptyness"
drink deep of forgetfulness
harvest longing
from a farmed crop of planted seeds
of oblivion
of sleep
take hold of the goblet of metaphor
grasp it by handles like similes
tip the brim towards your mouth

don't wait

and guzzle down more emptyness
feast on forgotten rhymes
sit at a table brimming to bursting
with discarded language
dead words
cooked - with spices
having slain them in the hunt
through a forest a woods a wilderness
of longing
with a sideplatter loaded to bursting
with for of to too many prepositions
wipe your mouth (carefully) with an adverb
and taste the salt of a dash of epic
that casts its savor into the flavor of everything
you've remembered

and all that which slips your mind
be careful not to glut yourself
when you become too full
and keep the edge of hunger to your lips
it keeps the flavors fresh
if need be
excrete an adjective
vomit forth a poem
knowing full well that time is a napkin
with 100% absorbency
guaranteed by entropy
and that the feast itself
is all that lasts

eat the words

let them become you and you become them
let emptiness change the constitution of your nature
so that you can know what fullness is
and can taste the difference


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